Ten tips to choose your career while in college
Work through your worries; find a nook, notepad and pen, cling to motivation and roll through this helpful article to make a life altering career decision.
(1) Always be open to any opportunity for it never knocks twice. You don’t want to later on be lingering in the blues of a missed opportunity. Come across a puny internship offer? Do opt for it, you never know it may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
(2) Kiss your worries goodbye. Keep your mind clear and at bay at all times. ‘The mind is like a parachute. It always works when open’. In order to choose what’s right one must always use rationale and logic to come to the rightful conclusion.
(3) Being in college gives you the assurance of a jolly good self-esteem. Never underestimate any of your capabilities and capacity to work anything out. As long as your mind is into it, consider yourself through with the task.
(4) NEVER, get influenced by your mates’ career choices and You might get into a wrong direction that is not made for you and might lose diamonds in search of pebbles. Let them choose better for themselves, and you do the same.
(5) ALWAYS stick to your decisions. Yes you can alter them but never follow the herd. The key to becoming a failure is not sticking to your decisions and full filling your commitments. With that done and dusted you are halfway through into making the big, happy choice.
(6) Jot down your likes and dislikes. Track what you do in a day. Make a bucket list of how you would rather spend your day. Create a checklist. Complete it and get ready for some heavy self-exploration.
(7) Brainstorming is the best. Put your college pc to some good use and do your homework on the perfect job.
(8) Take teachers’ help. Not only from college’s teachers but also from school as those teachers know your potentials, strengths and weaknesses for a longer period of time and thus, can help you better.
(9) Search online the scope of field you are going to opt for, in the place where you want to work. There are many good websites that can escort you in this matter. Take online tests which ask you a few questions and analyses the answers and then gives result as to which is the most suitable career option for you as per your skills and priorities.
(10) Be confident. You might come to a point where you start believing that you are not good enough in any subject as to choose it as a career. But somewhere inside you know just what you are excellent at and where your heart finds rest regardless of the poor marks you might be getting in that particular subject.
Remember finding the fitting career is just a phase and it shall pass. To be honest, only time decides what’s right for you. For now, live through college like a happy lad. Be good to yourself and others. Your path shall find you.
Author bio: this article is submitted by an educationalist and freelance writer, Carolyn Rogers also work as a professional content writer at Essay Writing Company - essayempireuk .
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