
Showing posts from January, 2016

Four fantastic ways to improve your smart phone experience

We live in an age, where everything is smart. By smart, we do not mean having good looks and sex appeal, but we mean technology, speed and information which is on the go. By smart, we also mean the kind of options and accessibility a piece of technology can provide you in the modern day world.  Just like other technological revolutions like smart televisions and 4D movies, smart phones is another great breakthrough in the field of cellular communications. If it wasn’t for smart phones, we would not see the internet penetration growing with two folds today. The integration of smart phones with the technology and the internet world, has made it another never-ending world of possibilities just like computers. Today, smart phones or phones, are not just used for the basic connectivity like a phone call or a text message. A phone serves a much wider and expanded purpose in the modern day world of technology. It can help a student to finish his assignment on the go, or take you back on the h

5 Good Reasons To Wear Safety Shoes For Engineers

Safety shoes are an integral part of safety at work in many organizations around the world. Certain work environments prescribe individuals to wear safety clothing whilst they are on their premises so as to comply with health and safety regulations. The work wear and protective wear required will naturally depend on the hazards that the workplace presents. The safety clothing and accessories (in this case shoes) needed by site Engineers on site thus differs from one establishment to the next as does the type and level of required safety equipment. One of the most important safety items used in almost all work environments are safety shoes. The level of safety provided by the shoes largely influence the type of footwear needed. Most safety boots or shoes are made from a durable material like leather or Polyurethane. The outer material of the safety shoe is resistant to water, oil and any other chemicals or materials that may come into contact with it or pose a safety risk in the workpl

Kerala PSC Public Relations Officer (PRO) Syllabus 2016

Kerala PSC Public Relations Officer (PRO) in District Co-operative Bank 2016 Syllabus : I . Questions Based on Public Relations/Journalism Definitions of PR Origin and development of Public Relations Growth of Public Relations in India Public Relations and propaganda PR and publicity Public opinion in Public Relations PR functions – Characteristics and qualifications of PR personnel PR and Communication skills Organisational setup of PR departments/agencies PR in private and public sectors PR in Central and State Governments Government Information Services PR Counselling and consultancy PR for sales promotion Media relations Community relations. II. General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala Salient Features of Indian Constitution Social Welfare Legislations and Programmes RENAISSANCE IN KERALA Towards A New Society Efforts To Reform The Society (A) Socio-Religious reform Movements (B) Struggles and Social Revolts Role Of Press In Renaissance Awakening Through Lite

Guidelines on how to prepare a history assignment

History is sometimes considered a dull and boring subject by students as it does not possess the element of glamour. Despite this popular belief, history is quite an interesting subject with loads of opportunities for students to express themselves as well as be as creative as they want to be. Many instructors want their students to write assignments which give the students a chance to delve into the historical world and establish connections between the past, future and present. If you have been assigned a history assignment, then here are some history assignment writing tips that can help students to produce extraordinary assignments with the ability to outshine others. Sources: Like in any assignment, history assignments also need sources to give it credibility. For a history assignment, you will come across two types of sources which are described as under: Primary source: primary source is basically the material, which is produced in the time period under study.For example, direct

Four types of technology addicts you would come across

In any workplace or a firm where technology plays a crucial role in the operations and management, you will have an IT department fully operating with a reasonable work force. This department is unique on its own. The reason being the fact that they will not really contribute to the company’s revenue generation if it is not an IT firm, but still the company may not be able to operate without this department. These people run your laptops, wires, computers, servers and what not. Anything related to the technological world and computers, you have the people working in the IT department who will be responsible for it. However, within that department, you will also find different and varied types of profiles of individuals working in the same unit. This is what differentiates one technological geek from another within the same team. Today’s academic blog will talk about four types of technological geeks you will come across in your daily lives. The Empty Suit- The go to guy This guy in you